Knee Strong and Perform

Our Knee Strong and Perform group program is a progressive strength and conditioning, neuromuscular control and re-conditioning program delivered by experienced Physiotherapists and targeted at and tailored to the post-surgical knee population.

The program is particularly relevant and beneficial for those clients post ACL reconstruction and will focus on improving Quadriceps, Hamstring, Calf complex, Gluteal and Trunk strength and Neuromuscular lower limb control.

This progressive program is individually tailored and based on performance testing. It will help navigate the transition into a gym setting at an appropriate time with performance testing results to assist the progression to plyometric exercise, jump/land control and return to running.

If you would like to safely accelerate your ACL rehabilitation under the direction of an experienced Physiotherapist please contact us for an Initial Assessment and appropriate performance/strength testing prior commencing the Knee strong and Perform program.

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